Saturday, September 8, 2012



The process of setting customer expectations begins with the very first element of contact. Often, this is an advertisement or some sort of marketing piece. Occasionally, it is a news item or other public relations-generated mention of the company, product, or service in the news media. Unlike referrals, these are communication vehicles over the companies have a considerable, or even total, amount of control.
The messages that are contained in these communications are almost always crafted with the objective of driving customers to Business Company-and most often they're targeted toward new customers. But these communications can sometimes do long-term damage if they set unrealistic or inappropriate expectations. They might be successful in getting customers into the business companies, but in doing so; they can inadvertently undermine the company ability to generate an experience that satisfies the new customer.
Is this communication congruent with my standards statement? Every marketing communication the company creates should reflect the values of that statement, or at the very least, not contradict them.
 Every promise an organization make in an advertisement creates a clear expectation on the part of companys’ customers. When the manager of the company do this, two critical elements are involved in making certain marketing message hasn't become counterproductive by the time the customer leaves the company’s business.
  • The first step is to make certain everyone in the organization is aware of everything being promised. If a customer has to spend even a few minutes waiting for someone who's familiar with the business's current promotion, it can significantly diminish the quality of that customer's experience.
  • The second fundamental principle in fulfilling the marketing promises is to do so as quickly as possible, without the customer having to ask for what the company has promised. When the company is forthcoming with whatever it is that the company’s customer expects, your credibility shoots up while the customer's anxiety level drops down.
Understanding All the Expectations Customers Bring to Transactions
Customers bring many different kinds of expectations to a transaction. For almost every business, a whole set of these unconscious or "hidden" expectations affect the quality of its customers' experiences. If the company focus only on the most explicit expectations, then the customers' experiences will almost certainly be much less satisfying than possible. Sure, the company must address the customers' primary expectations, but the company should also be persistently trying to understand all of your customers' expectations--especially the hidden ones--and then exploring ways to address them all.
Customers are hardly ever entirely satisfied with a transactional business relationship. In addition to the company's product or service, the customer will sometimes be looking for a friend and confidant; sometimes, the customer will be seeking an authority figure, even a surrogate parent; and sometimes the customer will be looking for some kind of status or validation. In any event, the company ability to deliver killer customer care often depends on how well the company can identify and address these ancillary expectations.
Market on Customer Care
If the company’s standards statement is predicated on exceptional customer care, then a marketing message emphasizing aggressive pricing will attract customers who are looking for something different from what the company is offering. Those customers' expectations are unlikely to ever be met. Conversely, if the company standards statement positions, manager as the value leader in the company marketplace, then a marketing message that emphasizes customer service will create a comparable problem. Being the low-cost provider in the company market not often provides enough available margin to support an extensive customer service infrastructure.
The most common and basic expectations customers have for most businesses include:
  • Fast, efficient and accurate service
  •  High quality products at a competitive price
  • Friendly, helpful service staff to provide information and answer questions
  • Prompt responses to their inquiries, whether online, by phone or in person
  • Sufficient stock to meet their needs without long waits
  •  A trained staff that can handle their questions without referring them on
  •  A clean facility or easy to navigate website
Surprising a customer by exceeding their expectation is a great way to make sure they’ll be back in the future. 
  1. Empathise
Earning customer trust is vital. Keeping customer interests at heart is an essential mindset for success, and that can be achieved through empathy.
“Try to think of things from the customer’s perspective and be more empathetic. For instance, for a customer service inquiry or complaint , the managers have to put their self in the customer’s shoes and ask ‘how would I like to be treated?’ and then figure out the best way to do that[1],”.
With the empathise, the company get the image of the customers and try to satisfy their needs; Empathy is The capacity to know emotionally what another is experiencing from within the frame of reference of that other person, the capacity to sample the feelings of another or to put one's self in another's shoes[2]. The managers have to analyse what the company can do to help and satisfy the needs of the customers, to analyse the perception of the customers on the specific products and also request a feedback on the impact of the products; with this strategy, the customers understand well their contribution and ability to develop and expand the revenue of the company.
  1. Take ownership of the problem
 Customers can be passed around call centre departments without their problem being resolved. This can be frustrating and time consuming for the customer. It can also damage a call centre’s reputation. But customer service agents can stop the cycle of calls and buck-passing by taking ownership of the problem themselves. Call Centre Helper’s Agent of the Month for August 2010 is a prime example[3].
Take ownership of the problem is the strategy to show how the company is valorizing the problems of the customers; if someone can value and understand the level of the problem in the business company this create more confidence for the customers, this have to be done by all employees of the company so that the customers can come again in the future,
  1.  Follow up
Even after a problem is resolved a customer service agent can exceed expectations by following up with the customer. A brief call to check that the product or service is working satisfactorily can show the customer that the business has taken their problem on board and is seeking to avoid similar situations in the future. It can also serve as a useful feedback tool for the business – as a check on the effectiveness of their problem-solving.
Follow up helps the manager of business companies to get whether the problem resolved has bring the positive impact and this the good way of showing to customers that the problem arised were a big challenge for the company and it doesn’t expect it[4].
4. Treat customers fairly
Fair treatment of customers may sound obvious, but it runs deeper than just the dealings between agent and caller. “People often see customer service in a very linear way, as being just the conversation, but it’s a lot more. For example, if a customer asks the company not to call them again then the company has a responsibility to disposition calls appropriately, and if the managers don’t the company run the risk of calling them when they don’t want to be called,”.
The needs of customers have to be respected equally;if not this can be the cause of losting the crients
Ultimately, treating customers fairly is about putting them at the heart of everything, and ensuring that agents and support systems can work around their needs.
  1. Find a balance
The business company often struggles to balance their business needs with the needs of customers. Performance monitoring can place a certain set of pressures upon staff. For example, if a customer’s query takes a long time to resolve, the agent may be tempted to provide a simple but not completely effective solution to save time, when the best customer service outcome would be to take time to resolve the company’s issue.
“That balance is incredibly important, and it’s challenging because not all products are the same. Depending on the product or service the business company is supporting, those business variables can change tremendously,” says Turner.
Agents should feel able to stay with a customer for a longer time than usual if required in order to solve the problem properly.
The business companies work very hard to maximize their benefits and achieve to the target goals but the mistake done when the business company don’t take in consideration the needs of customers; the question can e what the customers are expecting from the companies and what the companies is expecting from the customers? If both are helping each other so it is better to balance the needs so that the number of customers can increase day to day.
  1. Try to become an expert in the companies field
Customers can now find answers to their questions online, and only call in when a question is too complicated.
“The more sophisticated answers have become the domain of the call centre. Call centres need more skilled agents, more judgement, more wherewithal to solve complex problems quickly – and handle escalation in a valuable way,”.
Agents could try to learn as much as possible about the products and services they represent. Learning about competitors may also help. The more knowledge an agent has, the more professional they will sound during a call when asked a question. They’ll also save time rather than having to look things up.
becoming an expert require to be an exemplary and motivated business firm, to become n expert the business company have to understand and analyze the capacity of the other organization so that the company can compete In the good atmosphere with other business companies.
  1. Make recommendations
Customers expect call centre agents to try to sell them things, but they won’t necessarily expect to receive recommendations for products or services from other companies. It isn’t a good idea to glow with enthusiasm for a direct competitor but during the course of a customer service conversation opportunities arise for agents to show their expertise. If you’re dealing with faulty electrical goods, for example, and a customer seems lost as to what to do, why not tell them about any relevant experiences of your own? Alternatively, if you can’t help with a customer’s query, try recommending somewhere else to try. Honesty builds trust, and the customer will see that the agent isn’t just a company mouthpiece.
  1. Ditch the script
Scripted calls can sound robotic. They also reduce the true engagement possible in a real conversation. Replace jargon with clear, concise language.
“Be human, not a robot, and say it like it is. Our customers expect us to say what were going to do, when we are going to do it and to actually do it within that time,” says Emma Portch, Customer Service Advocate at Cable & Wireless Worldwide.
“I get a bit of a buzz from being able to call a customer and tell them that an issue has been resolved and that we’ve been able to achieve that ahead of schedule.”
That kind of buzz drives great service. A robot could never match it. Robots don’t have emotions, after all.
  1. Take time to reflect
Regular discussion with colleagues can help call centre agents discover their strengths and weaknesses. Cable & Wireless Worldwide offers staff the opportunity to complete an NVQ in Customer Service.
“It was a great opportunity to look at my skills, improve them, and look at the things I do really well that I can pass on to colleagues,” says Emma Portch.
Exchanging skills and knowledge will make a whole team stronger. If an agent shares an effective way of doing something with the whole team, then customers will receive a higher standard of service consistently – rather than having very different experiences each time they call.
  1. Share the views
As a manager in order to achieve and satisfy the needs of customers, you have to understand their views and their comments, in this way of sharing the views of customers and get their comments helps the company to modify, to change to improve the service in the aim of satisfying the customers’ needs. The customers are the king, if they are not there, the companies can’t exist, so as a manger it is better to understand them and try hard to answer their needs. In sharing the view, the customers give their thought and give the image of the company their dreaming in; so this is a good opportunity for the managers to realize the dreams of the customers
  1. Be part of the customer
As a manger it is very sad if you can work for a company but never use their products, this image shows how you don’t trust the your company, in order to maximize and reach to the big number of customer as a manager you have to be the one and the best client of the company, this comes as an advertisement, giving the examples of how you are experiencing the products of the company create more hope on how you have a value on it and how good you can work hard to develop the company so that the loss can’t affect your services.
  1. Competition
This is the big issue to deal with, some managers can’t afford to deal with the customers and different ways can be used to destroy the competitors of the customers, the value of the company to the mangers also give the image to the customers, as a manager you have to respect the companies in the same field; the customers are very happy if the companies bring the new innovations or if they can copy the same services to their company
  1. Facilitating the customers
This comes as the way of approaching the customers, the customer are in different location and the efforts you are using to reach to them create more confidence and hope in them, the distance you are traveling , the efforts you are using contribute more in creating the good image to the customers which helps you to meet the expectation of customers.


The Benefits of Meeting Expectations can vary depending on the service of the organsiation, but many of them are based on:
• Customers that transform from first-time visitors to loyal clients
• Increased sales as customers feel more comfortable doing business with you
• More referrals from satisfied customers who bring in additional business by word of mouth
When you are able to accurately identify and adequately meet your customers' expectations, your customer service reputation will automatically be enhanced.
In nutshell there is no doubt that adequately meeting customer expectations is an essential part of a robust customer service department. By accurately identifying those expectations, and meeting or exceeding them consistently, your company is likely to enjoy happier customers and a healthier bottom line.

Monday, May 28, 2012




Sitting at home, one question comes in my mind “WHY IN THESE DAYS, RWANDAN YOUTH ARE WORKING HARDLY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MUSIC INDUSTRY?” it was not easy for me to get the accurate answers; some questions remains in my mind like
Ø  Are they working for money-music as a job (professional)?
Ø  Are they willing to become célèbre-stars?
Ø  Is it for the entertainment/Relaxing?
Ø  Is it because they love music?
Ø  Are they escaping the problems-Music as an escape domain?
Ø  Are they exploring their free time?
Ø  Are they using the music as the way of expressing their views?
Those questions require analysing each question deeply, and getting the answers from the singers and listeners of music or DJ, in order to confirm the causes of being more active in music industry for the Rwandan youth. I am not interesting to make a deep research but to analyze and I hope this article will help the students and many researchers to develop and find out the exact causes.
As my aim is to open the door for the researchers, briefly let us analyze all those above questions one to one based on the main causes as the motivation of forcing the Rwandan youth to be in the industry music.


Today human being is surrounded by countless worries. Listening to music alleviate him. Music acts as a stimulant and calms the nerves. It is a fine art and groups of all ages attracted to its sweet sound. A person gifted with visual capabilities finds music as a food for his soul. Some of the great musicians of the world are held in high respect. People can find a rich and healthy experience if they listen to music.
One of the great things about music in general, and in particular concert music, is that playing it opens up a whole new world of experience that further enhances the mind, physical coordination, and expression. Music lovers, who are also amateur performers, may choose to play in community ensembles (orchestra, band, and choir), take lessons, perform with others, compose, and nearly anything else a professional musician may do, while maintaining their regular lives. All of this involves intense physical coordination in performing an instrument alone or with others, while reading musical notation, and adding delicate or strong nuanced changes to the music that only a performer can bring. In general, to an amateur musician, music can provide an escape from everyday life or an alternative means of expressing one's own capabilities. It is an important part of their lives and fills a need or an urge to create music.
The further research can be done in order to determine deeply the causes of being in the music industry for Rwandan youth, because every phenomenon has a cause and the consequences, my objectives was to analyze and find some causes or motivation of the youth to be in the music industry and what they are gaining from?
Music has been a part of the lives of human being since the beginning of recorded history. Music has been used by many cultures ancient and new to record history. Traditions that men hold dear to their hearts often involve the use of music in some form or fashion. Rites of passage and marriages usually include music as part of the cultural and religious traditions[1].
Music brings people together and lifts them emotionally. Music has been used for social change and propaganda. It is a bridge which can allow people of many different cultures, religions, beliefs, and races to cross and meet with an international understanding. Music allows man to express himself in ways no other creature on earth can. Without music, man's life would be dull, drab, and colorless[2].
Music is an olive branch toward the global understanding of human nature and mankind because it allows you to express your feelings, which not even words, can convey which means music is a branch or another way to communicate with the world. It’s a way for us as people to express our emotions with one another.
In this days for ever, the Rwandan youth are more active in the development of music industry, the recording studio are created every day, and the number of musician is increasing from one day to another day, it is too early to get the statistic; some of the youth are dropped out their studies to develop their career of music; the question was how many of them are developing their career to become the professional; only in 2005, the group of KGB (Kigali Boys) was a group of musician in Rwanda but only in 2012, the statistics is too big like in PGGSS(Primus Guma Guma Super Star) accounted 20 musician to be in the competition in January 2012 which is a small number compared to the youth in music.
This paper is focusing on the analysis of the causes and the importance of being in the music for the Rwandan youth as they are more active in this domain; hope deep research will be done by the students and the researchers.


Normally working for money is concerning with using the skills, knowledge, available resources a person has to gain money so that s/he can survive and improve s/he is welfare and develop him/her self and his/her surroundings. Based on this information, we can wonder whether all the Rwandan youth in music are working for money, if so are they getting the money? How many Rwandan singers have changed their life to the best situation based on the music? And to this question we can fix the criteria to determine the level of improving the life with music as the skills, and also we have to get the number of the singers who have been developed through music.
So how can we measure the development of the Rwandan youth with music as a base? For better understand well, can we find out how many singers who are paying the school fees themselves, how many of them have a car? How many have a house? How many of them can pay the rent of their house? How many singers have invested in the companies or society? How may have the companies? How many have the shopping? The criteria to determine whether the Rwandan youth are using music for working for money can be vary and differ on the person to another. But my analysis is looking whether they are using the music as a tool or skills for working for money. Other question comes on, regarding the market, how big is the Rwandan music market? How many singers who are getting money from their products; based on the analysis of Economic Rwandan situation, the Rwandan population are not familial with buying the music product, they are happy  to listen them on the radio , having the copied CD form DJs or friends but it is not a big number who can pay 5,000rwf or more for a one CD or DVD, even if they are some, but this can’t confirm that the market is bigger, except some activities like Primus Guma Guma Super Star (PGGSS), advertisement for the telecommunication companies, public events-show and organizations advertisement; so, this can lead us to the conclusion saying that, we can’t completely retain and keep our thesis saying that the Rwandan youth are in the music in order to work for money, but also we can’t ignore it completely because some of them have improved and are still in the process of development through music as a job and so on; based on the statistics of the Rwandan youth developed with music as a job for working for money this thesis can be rejected.


Based on the definition from wikpedia ( celebrity, referred to as a celeb in popular culture, is a person who has a prominent profile and commands a great degree of public fascination and influence in day-to-day media. The term is synonymous with wealth (commonly denoted as a person with fame and fortune), implied with great popular appeal, prominence in a particular field, and is easily recognized by the general public”.
 This definition clarify well how a person can be recognized publically, so after this definition we can wonder whether the Rwandan youth in music industry are really willing to become célèbre, the stars in Rwanda using the music as the only strategy and tools to be recognized; so the same questions arise again wondering why becoming the stars? How to become the stars? What are the benefits of becoming a star? How many persons become the stars in one specific field? How long people remain as star? All those questions and many others can determine how the Rwandan youth in the music industry are willing to become the stars and the benefits they are expected to gain after becoming the stars. The Rwandan music industry is recognizing many young girls and boys, but how many of them are becoming the stars? Many of the singers are producing the songs which are not liked by the population for a long time, this means that if their songs are not on the market of music for a long time the income of this product is not much and this leads to be a star for a short time, which means that there is no important of becoming a star for one day or one week, if it is, is there any benefits after one week or one month? If so how much is this income? Is it enough to be recognized only in one week or one month? if it is very good to be a star, everyone would like to be a star for ever or for a long time and very sure s/he has to use more efforts and resources to be a star for a long time; also if becoming a star has some positive impact like increasing the income, the singers who have like 5years in industry music have become rich singers, is that right? I don’t think so.
On my behalf becoming star –a celebrity is a best thing and am sure everyone would like to stay a célèbre for a long time if not no reason of becoming a star, if also becoming a star doesn’t bring any benefits for the stars, no reason to be recognized for a short time. Becoming a star must be followed and bring the positive benefit for the stars; if so how many Rwandan singer have gained the benefits? And how many are the stars? For how long time they are the stars? This thesis of taking the development of Rwandan music for the Rwandan youth as the way for becoming the stars are not correct as well as they are not all the stars, and those who become the stars-known at the national atmosphere industry music don’t show a big positive change in their change of becoming the stars.
As conclusion this thesis of working hardly in the development of Rwandan music for the Rwandan youth in order to become the stars is rejected; this means and shows that they are other something behind the development of Rwanda industry music especially for the Rwandan youth.
As more as the author produce many songs, s/he comes a star, and an author has to make sure he has a good voice to be liked by the population if not it will end without becoming a star; some factors are contributing in becoming stars, but we can’t forget that becoming the star is among the steps to increase the income and be developed.


Based on the definition from wikpedia ( Entertainment is an action, event or activity that aims to entertain, amuse and interest a public ("public" can consist of one person). This audience can have a passive role, as in the case of a play, a show on a TV or a movie, or active, as in the case of a video game. The holidays, games, reading and viewing works of art are not generally considered entertainment, but rather as a pastime. For the entertainment generally requires that the supplier of the show is visible to the viewer, with the exception of video games. The entertainment can attract an audience and influence their actions and thoughts. Active forms of amusement, such as sports, are more often considered to be recreation. Activities such as personal reading or practicing a musical instrument are considered to be hobbies or pastimes.
Rwandan youth in the development of music industry as an entertainment; wikpedia defines entertainment as the way of interesting the public and the audience can have a passive role; but in our context, we can define music as the way of entertaining the audience and the singers themselves through the recorded songs, in fact as the one way of helping the public to relax and the singers themselves through listening music. If we can define music entertainment as that, there must be a motivation of entertainment especially from the audience, if not the singers can go in the situdio to record the music as entertaining themselves, what are the importance of this? Why a person can entertain himself or herself? Many reasons can be available, first a person can entertain himself/herself as the way of creativity, as the way of getting the result as experience of specific field, as the way of relaxing, and other cause of entertain of a person himself or herself is to forget or to be out of their problems s/he is facing with, at this case we can said that a music can be a field to consider as an escape, a field for relaxing to forget the problems; it is the same case for the Rwandans? Before answering this question, let us come back on the situation of Rwandan youth in these days:
The situation facing Rwandan youth today is likely not as punishing as before the 1994 genocide in large part because an urban outlet, to some degree, exists. But that does not mean that life for Rwanda’s youth has transformed from mainly hopeless to primarily hopeful. The plight for the overwhelming majority remains extremely serious. Rwanda’s National Youth Policy provides a potential platform to support youth, but its implementation requires consistent and sustained efforts and resources[3].
The population of Rwanda is very young. The percentage of the population aged less than 15 is 46.3% whereas the percentage of the population less than 25 is 67%[4] .
In summary, 67% of the total population of the Rwanda is under 25 years old. An estimated 15% of the inhabitants of Kigali are 15 – 24 years old, and this same age group comprises 26% of the population of Butare.  In Kigali, over 65% of youth have a primary school diploma but only 24% have a secondary school diploma. In Butare, more young people possess a primary school diploma (over 75%) but fewer (14.5%) have completed secondary school. While school enrolment rates are increasing, dropout rates remain high and overall education quality is low. The number of youth migrating to Kigali in search of employment and self employment in off farm occupations has been growing, though this widely recognized trend is not documented with hard data. As of 2005, two thirds of the population was younger than 25. In 2007, 40% of the population was between the ages of 16 and 35[5].
Relating to this thesis of using a music as an entertainment for Rwandan youth, it can base on the problems they are facing with which force them to escape and try to forget the problems using music as an escape for entertainment; the problem of employment in Rwanda still a major problem for the youth even for those who finished their high studies; in fact the problem of unemployment especially for the youth can be seen as the major cause of forcing the youth in the music industry; the government has put more efforts in the education for all especially for the youth, this helps the majority of the youth to be and to finish their secondary studies but very hard to get a job and very hard to continue their high studies; as the answer of all those problems the youth are facing with , they are more in music as entertainment in order to forget or to be out of the problems for a certain period, no matter of being célèbre, no matter of gaining money and no matter of being professionals but to forget and to be out of the problems they are facing with.
If their aim of being in the music industry is to gain money the majority of them would just leave the field, as well as they are not gaining anything as an income, but where can they go? What can they do? I think those remain the same question for many youth who plan to move out in the music industry.
Music helps each one of us find our unique social position, bringing us together with other folks that share similar interests. It documents the history of social and cultural changes in society, and is always in a state of perpetual evolution, combining new ideas with older ones to create a sound that's unique to each generation. Familiar songs help us recall special moments in our lives, such as our first love, or maybe our first kiss[6].
In nutshell, this thesis of developing a music as an entertainment field is considered as the cause or motivation among others of the youth to be in the field of music, remember that this entertainment is caused or motivated by many things, the major one is lack of employment which leads to having many problems and they prefer to be in music industry so that they an escape and use music as an escape field.


Loving something must have something like a motivation, why can you love music? Is it for entertainment? Is it for expressing the ideas? Is it for other something else? Everything must have a reason whether intangible (moral) or tangible like money as motivation to continue going ahead. The Rwandan youth if they love music, this can be interpreted as improving their talent which is a good idea to develop a music industry; but we can wonder how many Rwandan youth in music industry who love music-who wishes to develop their talents? If s/he produces the songs which are not liked by the audience, is s/he going to produce another one? How many songs a singer can produce and those songs are not liked by the audience? Is that a motivation? Even if we can took this thesis as the one which force the youth to be in the development of music industry but it’s too early to confirm this; let us assume that this thesis (love music) is correct, so the youth can listen to other music from the talented signers but not going to the studio as it is the cost for them while they don’t have a job and other income to pay for studio. So this thesis is not completely correct there is other motivation or pressure behind but not loving music because even some of them are not talented singers; because their songs are being played a few days on the market of music.
One singer said “As a professional musician, composer and songwriter, music is my life. My dream has always been to write songs that will move people and hopefully make a difference in their lives. I can't even imagine a world without music”![7] For this case an author loves music.
As conclusion, even if some singers can love music because either they are talented or because they feel good with music, they are some others who are in the music with many other objectives or reasons.


We can define an escape place or field as the place where a person can go to escape something bad; in our context an escape place is a domain which can be used in order to forget the problems a person is facing with; the questions can be: is music a domain to take as an escape? If so how? Why music can be considered as an escape domain?
Before analyzing this thesis, let us have the views of other authors; when man first learned to play instruments, compose, and sing he began his long journey out of darkness and into the light. Through the using of music man began revealing the thoughts of his mind and the pains of his conscience. The love, hate, and desires he held in his heart is shared with all of the world and even heaven. Men worshipped gods and thanked them for their bountiful harvests with music and song. They dance and sing for them when there is no rain to help the crops grow. Men sing and dance when they are sad or are happy, when they are celebrating or mourning, for peace or for war[8].
Music serves man in many ways. It is therapeutic, comforting, and calming. The stress we deal with in our everyday lives as humans in the frequently inhumane world we live in is alleviated by listening to music. Music calms disturbed spirits, invigorates dead spirits, and connects us spiritually. We are connected to the world, God, and families through the use of music. Battles have been halted and wars stopped with the use of music. We use music to express the longings and desires of our hearts as humans and our anger at injustices that so commonly occur in many societies. Communities, religions, and ideologies are bound together by music.
For more understand the importance of music as an escape, let us also get the views of other author who has given the qualities of music in life[9], those qualities have been modified a bit by the author of this article.


Ø  The Music is based on the imaginations. It is full of imaginations with new creativities. For this purpose, the singers have the knowledge of some music.
Ø  Once the author starts to develop music, it needs new ideas, for which the authors need creativity. New ideas, new approaches and different colors of musical phrases and in the process, the author get a good musical tunes. This type of knowledge helps the authors to regulate life in different ways.
Ø  The creativity and composing of the tunes bring the deep and vast thought in mind whatever job undertakes. The authors get the solution immediately if it happens to face any problems. They are aware in which way the matter would move and have the solution to solve it at the starting stage itself.
Ø  Secondly the authors always have the presence of mind when it is needed. Even at the most difficult situations, the mind stays cool and this feeling help the authors to get the presence of mind, surely help them to come out with the answers of the problems without any strain in the mind and body.


Music has always been and always will be interwoven with mankind's traditions, beliefs, and cultures. Human beings have used music as an art form and as a means of creative self expression. They have misused it as a tool for spreading toxic ideologies and beliefs and to negatively influence the moral consciences of people everywhere. Music has been used mostly for good purposes by mankind. Good purposes like drawing people together in friendship and celebration are by far the more widely used applications for music in man's life[10]. The ultimate means of communicating with other human beings is by using music as a medium, for it is understood by all and knows no language or cultural barriers.
Music is a language that can be used by people of every different race, nationality, culture, or religion without fear of being misunderstood[11].
Gabriella Bayshtok- a student at the Baccalaureate School for Global Education in Queens, New York. Said that “Music is an olive branch toward the global understanding of human nature and mankind because it allows you to express your feelings, which not even words, can convey” if the music is considered as the way of expressing the feelings, the Rwandan youth are definitely use the music as the method of expressing their views; Innocent- a Rwandan youth whom we discussed about this problem has said “ music is the only domain where the youth can get a job easily, becoming a célèbre in the music is the one method to work for money” this message confirm that the youth are using the music to express their views, as he said it is the only domain where the youth can create a job themselves, this shows that the youth are suffering with the lack of job which is forcing them to be in the music as creativity and work for money, through the music their expressing their problems of lack of job, they are relaxing and they are escaping their problems.


Regarding on the previous topic concerning using music to express their views, the Rwandan youth are in the music industry in order to keep their time more useful with the new domain, staying a long time without having a job is the one cause which force the youth to be more active in the music industry, and exploring this free time helps them to express their views; in fact the majority of the Rwandan youth are in the music industry as the way of using their free time after missing the job and the opportunity to continue their studies in advanced schools.


The music is very important for a human being it helps them to express their views, relaxing/entertainment and some of the musician are becoming the célèbre which helps them to earn more money and some of the musician are using music as their professional career. The Rwandan youth are facing with the problem of lack of job, they are not more active in music industry because they love it but contrary  because they want to express their views, they want to explore their free time due to lack of job, they thought being the musician can increase the chance to use music as their professional career to make money, despite lack of talents some of them are not known in the music industry or don’t resist because their products are not good for the Rwandan, definitely they don’t buy the products; even if the majority of the person discussed on this issue mentioned that the majority of the Rwandan youth in the music are willing to become célèbre, this can confirm that the Rwandan youth are more active in the music industry in order to earn money despite the lack of talent.
Being in music industry helps the singers especially the youth to be out the problems they are facing with especially lack of job, and with music they are relaxing; as well as they don’t have  jobs, they want to explore their free time taking music in consideration.
If the Rwandan youth are in the music industry as the way of escaping the problems they are facing with, as the way of expressing their views so the government must support them and protect their products so that they can be valued, if not this career of music can’t improve any things for their talents and their career of music industry.
In nutshell the hypotheses settled before developing the article are related to each other, the youth are in the music so that they can become célèbre and get money, they are in the music in order to explore their free time as relaxing also escaping the problem they are facing with and finally they are in music in order to express their views of lack of job; simply we can resume those causes of being more active in music industry for the Rwandan youth to lack of job. The objective of this paper is to analyse the causes which force the Rwandan youth to be more active in music industry, in order to clarify and give the accurate hypothesis, the deeper research is needed and I hope this paper will open the door to the researcher and it will empower them with the questions and analysis done at this paper; this analysis didn’t consult many people especially the musician but the discussion with many other people who loves the music especially the youth.
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  Prepared By Jean Paul
On 28th May 2012